Master of Science in Civil and 环境工程

Master of Science in Civil and 环境工程

Influence the Next Generation of Building Design

土木工程师ing continues to evolve. That progression overlaps with and pulls from environmental engineering. 在这里, 专业人士的目标是开发更持久的结构,需要更少的能量和资源. Thinking about the next stage of your career? esball国际平台客户端土木与环境工程硕士学位影响项目的展开.

Why Earn a Master’s in Civil and 环境工程?

U.S. esball国际app & 《esball国际平台客户端》将esball国际平台客户端的土木和环境工程esball国际app课程评为全国最好的. 我们采用跨学科的专业方法,强调研究是推动建筑设计向前发展的力量. Take on a specialty in a subfield of civil engineering. 通过获得一系列的研究机会,使自己成为专家. Courses are delivered on campus in Potsdam, NY, or through a hybrid format.

Students chart their path through one of two flexible formats:

  • 论文: 在结构、新设计技术或先进材料方面有所发现. 论文轨道要求你进行和展示自己的发现,作为迈向博士研究的踏脚石, 最终, a career in academia or engineering research.
  • Non-thesis: You entered the workforce after finishing your bachelor’s. 现在, 你对领导角色感兴趣,你可以从概念到完成指导项目. 当你没有完成论文的时候, 一个专业导向的特殊项目是你知识的巅峰.



  1. 环境工程
  2. 岩土工程
  3. Structural and materials engineering
  4. 水利工程
  5. Construction engineering management*


*In online and hybrid formats, Clarkson's MS in Construction Engineering Management explores this subject in more industry-specific detail. A construction engineering management certificate 也是可用的.


  • A minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate coursework, with at least 20 credit hours of course and seminar work. 课程作业的平衡必须与研究或专业经验的组成部分相一致. Students complete the program in 18 to 24 months.
  • 满意地完成下列研究或专业经验组成部分之一.
    • A written thesis based on independent research
    • 综合检查
    • An appropriate, professionally oriented special project
  • Twenty of the 30 minimum credit hours must be earned in residence
  • One academic year of full-time study beyond the baccalaureate
  • A maximum of 10 credit hours of transfer credit (grade of B or better)
  • All work must be completed in four calendar years.
  • 所有学生必须完成一篇论文,并向一个由至少三名教员组成的委员会口头答辩.


所有学生必须通过以下专业领域之一的核心课程:环境, 岩土工程, structural or water resources engineering.

  • 环境工程: Understand what’s needed to build a more sustainable world.
  • 岩土工程: Focus on the composition of soil and rocks in relation to construction. 这就需要确定这些元件能够承受载荷的强度.
  • Structural and Materials Engineering:学习如何优化建筑的强度、稳定性和整体弹性.
  • 水利工程: The Earth only has a small amount of water fit for human consumption. Ga在 skills to better use this finite resource.
  • 交通工程: 探索相关的规划、设计、操作、分析和维护技能.


Water and Wastewater Engineering:  Satisfied by an appropriate course

  • CE580环境化学
  • CE584 Chemodynamics
  • CE582 Environmental Systems or CE586 Industrial Ecology


  • CE681 Environmental Physico-Chemical Processes
  • CE682 Environmental Biological Processes
  • ES534空气污染管制

A course in applied statistics is strongly recommended.



  • CE512/ME555 Introduction to Structural and Soil Dynamics
  • CE513 Elastic Waves and Non-Destructive Tests
  • CE516高级土力学
  • CE519高级基础设计
  • CE527/ME527 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • CE538 Introduction to the Finite Element Method
  • CE551弹性理论
  • 连续介质力学
  • ME531计算流体动力学

Structural and Materials Engineering

  • CE549 Experimental Methods in Structures
  • 连续介质力学


  • CE501 Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures
  • CE512 Introduction to Structural and Soil Dynamics
  • CE520 Computational Methods of Structural Analysis
  • CE521 Analysis of Advanced Composite Structures
  • CE538 Introduction to Finite Element Method
  • CE551弹性理论
  • CE553 Properties and Performance of Concrete Materials
  • CE631水泥化学
  • CE633可塑性


  • CE561 Transportation Systems Design
  • CE568交通工程


  • CE538 Introduction to the Finite Element Method
  • CE510 Sustainable Infrastructure and Building
  • EE501数字信号处理
  • EE529/ME529随机过程
  • EE550控制系统
  • 工程优化技术(或类似的优化课程)
  • 高级应用统计学(或类似的高级数据分析课程)
  • CS547计算机算法
  • CS549 Computational/Machine Learning
  • CS551人工智能
  • CS559人机交互

Courses on systems theories and data analytics are strongly recommended.



  • CE527/ME527 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
  • 连续介质力学
  • CE569流域分析
  • CE570 Stream Riparian System and Fluvial Morphology
  • 计算河流动力学
  • CE572浅水流体力学
  • CE573输沙
  • CE574水动力分散
  • CE575海岸工程
  • CE576 Hydraulic Engineering in Cold Regions
  • ME531计算流体动力学


Exceptional students may be invited to proceed directly to the PhD; such students will be awarded the MS concurrently with the PhD.


*自费学生可以获得学费奖学金,最高可达学生注册学费的40%. esball国际app院经院系推荐,提供该奖学金. 全日制硕士学生可以在三个学期中获得四个学分的支持. These merit awards require up to six hours of departmental work per week.

A complete application consists of the following:

  • 网上申请表格.
  • 的简历.
  • 宗旨声明.
  • 三封推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • GRE是可选的.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
    • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).
    • 英语语言测试要求不会因教学语言而被免除, nor do we accept university certificates. 如果申请人在英语为母语的国家获得学位,则免除英语测试. 点击这里 to see the list of these countries.

先决条件:女士 一个废话, 获得认可的土木和环境工程或其他工程学科的学士学位或同等学历. 具有非工程学科学位的申请人可能需要通过由部门esball国际app委员会确定的额外本科课程来证明其熟练程度. 这可能包括一个额外的学期的学习,不能授予esball国际app学分. No minimum grade point average is required for admission. Applicants should demonstrate a history of high academic achievement.

Learn more about admission requirements for graduate students.

合格的全日制学生可以获得有限数量的一年和/或部分一年的学费奖学金. A limited number of stipends are also available. 大多数奖学金和/或津贴与系助学金或完成硕士论文有关,作为合格申请人完成学位课程的学习计划的一部分.



攻读环境与土木工程硕士学位的学生可以从事研究工作, 申请博士课程,或者回到工作岗位领导团队,并在可持续建设中投入更多, 操作与维护.


  • 土木工程师
  • 施工项目经理
  • 设计工程师
  • 排水工程师
  • 环境工程师
  • 岩土工程师
  • 计划工程师
  • 项目工程师
  • 结构工程师
  • 交通工程师
  • 运输工程师
  • 水利工程师



  • 伯恩斯 & 麦克唐奈
  • CHA咨询
  • 露水建设
  • 鸭子无限
  • 亨特的工程师
  • 约翰迪尔
  • Kiewit公司
  • 国家电网
  • 纽约交通部
  • 特纳建筑公司
  • 怀特-特纳承包公司



电话: 518-631-9831

有兴趣了解更多有关土木与环境工程理学硕士的知识? Contact esball国际app招生 today with your questions.

了解更多esball国际平台客户端 Department of Civil and 环境工程 库尔特工程学院.

100% Graduate Placement Rate - Program Specific


Whether 在 classroom or through research, 我们的教师反映了我们部门的使命-发展和发展土木和环境工程学科. Get to know our team, including backgrounds and specialties.



看看esball国际平台客户端的硕士学位能让你在土木和环境工程方面发挥多大的作用. 下一步: