
Chemistry is at the core of breakthroughs in disciplines as diverse as medicine, 技术, nanomaterials and environmental science. PhD students in esball国际平台客户端's chemistry program have the opportunity to participate in research and work alongside world-renowned faculty committed to sharing their knowledge.

我们的 faculty advisors educate you with the knowledge and skills you need to solve complex problems that impact society, ranging from smart materials to sensors, bio技术 and electronics. Graduate research is supported by federal agencies like the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of 健康 (NIH) and Department of Defense (DoD), as well as New York State and private industry.

我们的 small size encourages faculty to provide personalized training and exceptional mentoring focused on student success.

Why Earn a 化学博士 From Clarkson?

We're driven by research at Clarkson. 我们的 traditional strength is in areas such as colloids, 表面, electrochemistry and analytical chemistry — topics underpinning much of the work done by our faculty.

Graduate students regularly publish their work in top scientific journals and have the opportunity to present research at national and international conferences. Professional organizations and student chapters are available on campus, including the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Electrochemical Society (ECS). Students have access to a variety of professional development opportunities focusing on areas like research mentoring, entrepreneurship and leadership.

In our small department, faculty share their knowledge with students while collaborating on joint projects. Graduate students conduct research on projects spanning traditional core areas in analytical, 无机, 有机, biochemistry and physical chemistry, as well as interdisciplinary fields like materials chemistry, bionano技术 and environmental sustainability.

Get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art instrumentation, like nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 质谱分析, gas chromatography-质谱分析 (GC-MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Other instruments available for teaching and research include electron microscopes, 紫外/可见, fluorescence and atomic absorption spectrometers, 质谱仪, X-ray diffractometers, particle sizers and thermal and mechanical analyzers.

实验室之外, seminars and lectures expose students to the groundbreaking research conducted here and around the world. 我们的 Shipley Distinguished Lecture Series has brought nine Nobel laureates to campus.


PhD candidates in chemistry select a concentration from the following:

  • Analytical chemistry
  • 生物化学
  • Colloids and surface chemistry
  • Environmental chemistry
  • 材料化学
  • Organic and 无机 chemistry
  • Physical (theoretical) chemistry

Sample courses include:


  • Advanced Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • 生物化学
  • 生物化学 & 生物技术实验室
  • Biomedical Analysis and Instrumentation
  • 生物电子学 & Bio-nano技术
  • 厘米的研讨会
  • Colloids and Surface Science
  • Implantable and Wearable 生物电子学
  • Sustainable Nano技术
  • Thesis, Dissertation and Special Projects


  • 生物材料
  • Manufacturing Implications/Advanced Materials
  • 药物化学
  • Nanostructured Materials
  • 厘米的研讨会
  • Colloids and Interfaces
  • Physical Organic Chemistry
  • 高分子科学
  • Special Topics/Colloids and Surfaces
  • Thesis, Dissertation and Special Projects

The 化学博士 consists of 90 credit hours beyond a bachelor's degree. These credits are taken through coursework, seminars and project work to fulfill all PhD requirements.

Requirements include the following:

  1. A minimum of 90 credit hours, including no less than 24 credit hours of coursework, a six credit-hour seminar and a maximum of 30 transferred credit hours from a Master of Science degree (B grade or better) applied toward PhD degree requirements.
  2. A minimum of three academic years of full-time graduate study or the equivalent in part-time study.
  3. Satisfactory completion of the PhD candidacy procedure within two years of full-time study after admission to the PhD program or, for part-time students, before completing 66 credit hours. If the comprehensive examination is failed twice, the student is required to leave the program.
  4. A written dissertation must be submitted by each candidate and defended orally as part of the final examination. For the final oral examination, a committee is selected by the faculty advisor and approved by the department chair and dean of the respective school. The committee consists of a minimum of five members. The members should include at least four Clarkson faculty of assistant professor rank or higher who possess an earned doctoral degree. At least one of the faculty members must be from a department other than the candidate’s major department.
  5. 时间限制: After the comprehensive examination has been passed, all work fulfilled specifically for the doctorate is to be completed within a period of seven calendar years.
  6. 评分系统: The grades of A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C and P are acceptable for credit toward the degree. 为毕业, an average of B or better must be earned in non-dissertation courses and seminar work.
  7. PhD candidates in chemistry must: (i) Complete a minimum of six credit hours of CM900 and (ii) present three seminars as part of their degree requirements.

Faculty members are associated with the New York State-funded Center for Advanced Materials Processing and several other interdisciplinary programs on campus. Their research is supported by sources including grants from the National Science Foundation, as well as New York State and private industry funding.

Current areas of research include:

  • Analytical, electrochemistry and sensors
  • 生物化学 and bio技术
  • In有机 and solid-state chemistry
  • Nano技术 and nanomaterials
  • Organic, polymers and soft materials
  • Physical and computational chemistry

A complete application consists of the following:

  • Online Application Form
  • 的简历
  • Statement of purpose
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • 官方成绩单
  • GRE Test Scores: the GRE requirement will be waived for spring and fall 2024 applicants.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required:
  • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).
  • The English language-testing requirement is not waived based on language of instruction, nor do we accept university certificates. English testing is waived if an applicant has a degree from a country where English is the Native Language. 点击这里 to see the list of these countries.

博士学位的先决条件: Applicants must possess a baccalaureate (BS) or a Master of Science (MS) degree in chemistry or a related major (e.g., materials science, biochemistry, biophysics, environmental science or a similar discipline).

Applicants must have also completed the following minimum college course preparation:

  • Introductory chemistry courses, including general chemistry.
  • Specialized classes, including:
  • Analytical chemistry
  • 生物化学
  • 无机化学
  • 有机化学
  • 物理化学.
  • Basic training in mathematics and physics.


In many communities around the world, people have no way of knowing whether the water they rely on is safe. One Clarkson PhD student is working to build small, inexpensive sensors that can alert residents to hazards before it's too late.

Career Possibilities

Clarkson's emphasis on research allows you to focus on an area of chemistry where you want to make an immediate impact. After defending your dissertation, you can choose from career paths in:

  • 学术界
  • 生物技术
  • 咨询
  • 教育
  • 法医实验室
  • 行业(e.g., electronics, environmental, healthcare, energy or law)
  • 研究 and development
  • State and federal agencies


Clarkson's faculty have extensive ties to the chemical and advanced materials industries. These relationships can result in opportunities for 技术 transfer and jobs. Some of the places our alumni work include:

  • 应用材料
  • Abbott Diabetes Care
  • AireSun全球
  • CFD研究
  • 杜邦公司
  • 铁公司
  • 福特汽车公司
  • Ichor Therapeutics, Inc.
  • Lydall Performance Materials
  • 圣戈班
  • Siemens 健康ineers
  • Werfen



电子邮件: graduate@repossedcars.net 
电话: 518-631-9831

Interested in learning more about the 化学博士 at Clarkson? Contact the Office of esball国际app招生 today with your questions.

100% Graduate Placement Rate - Program Specific

Destination: Anywhere

Next-generation sensors. Biotech product development. Building biobatteries for the military. Students in Clarkson's PhD program in chemistry come from everywhere — and can go anywhere.

See Where our 校友 End Up


A 化学博士 from Clarkson can lead to careers in fields as diverse as healthcare, biotech and pharmaceuticals. Ask us for more information today.